& Other Recurring Education Events

Updated: 6/30/23

Check the IMRESPDX homepage for locations and times.

Please try to have your cameras on for any event you attend virtually.

Noon Report

Mon/Fri, 12:00 - 13:00

Residents on OHSU and VA wards, consults, and electives; presenters’ linked PD, attendings

Potpourri Pearl (15 min) - This is a short, high yield learning point delivered by a Chief. This will include Chief-led didactics, reflection rounds, educational games, and reviews of past weeks’ noon reports and conferences. Occasionally, there may be guests hosts (APDs and attendings). If you are interested in leading a Potpourri pearl in addition to your two assigned noon reports, please reach out to the chiefs by emailing medchiefs@ohsu.edu, we would love to have you.

OHSU Noon Report: Traditional Case (45 min) - This is a formal case presentation by a resident with facilitation by the Chief Resident. There are typically 3 learning points such as diagnostic frameworks, clinical management, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in medicine.

VA Noon Report (45 min) - This year there will be flexibility in which template of report you can choose to present for your VA report. Feel free to click through the templates below, but please download them before you edit them! If you edit them in the drive, they will replace the blank templates.

  • Traditional Noon Report  (DOWNLOAD, do not edit please!)

    If you like the way noon reports are typically run at OHSU, you can stick with this format!  

  • Whiteboard Talk (DOWNLOAD, do not edit please!)

    Think of the whiteboard talk as a more “old school” noon report, where, as the resident, it will be your role to walk us through the case as we as the Chiefs bring up teaching points and help outline the case on the fly using the whiteboard. The idea here is to spend more time asking questions and discussing different aspects of the case with the group, at the end we will then give you the opportunity to either add to the whiteboard or head back to your slides to give us your teaching points about the diagnosis, management, or whatever you thought was most important to take away.

  • Evidence Based Medicine (DOWNLOAD, do not edit please!)
    The purpose of the EBM noon report template is to expose your co-residents to literature that will demonstrate how to evaluate a question and where to find the answer, impact their clinical practice of medicine, and give an opportunity to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the study.  For you, the presenter, this is an opportunity for you to do an in-depth analysis in a topic of medicine that you find interesting. You are welcome and encouraged to invite a mentor in the topic of your choice to attend your noon conference. 

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DOWNLOAD, do not edit please!)

    Creating a DEI noon report is a fantastic opportunity to do a deep dive into a health equity/advocacy topic of interest. Potential topics may be drawn from observing how our patients’ social determinants of health or systemic issues interfere with healthcare delivery.  In preparation for this talk, you may consider exploring the historical context of the issue and/or its statistical relevance to a patient population. This is an opportunity to teach your colleagues about the importance of understanding and addressing social barriers to achieve equitable health outcomes. This pre-work can also position you to be a stronger, more informed advocate for your patients. Examples of DEI topics include: reproductive healthcare access, the disproportionate effects of climate change on vulnerable populations, food justice, the threat to gender-affirming care, inadequate health delivery in our incarcerated populations... 

  • Mini M&M (DOWNLOAD, do not edit please!)

    This year, we are hoping to reinforce the idea of humility in medicine- everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has patients that have had unanticipated morbidity or mortality. The Mini M&M format is a great way to think through a patient case that may not have gone the way you hoped. This format will ask you to bring the same detailed HPI as other case formats. Then, you will choose to either pursue a literature review on the subject, or choose to do more of a “mini root cause analysis” with a fishbone diagram trying to understand the factors that led to the unanticipated outcome. This template comes with a disclaimer that this talk is for educational purposes only, and anyone who attends your talk should keep the details of the case confidential. Cases should be patients you have directly taken care of during residency. Please see the example slides, which walk through how you may choose to present a patient who developed a bowel obstruction while on antipsychotic medications. 

  • You will receive an email with instructions two weeks prior to your presentation

  • General Guidance

  • Templates (also linked in the bullet points above- DOWNLOAD, do not edit please!)

  • OneDrive Link 2023-2024 (save file as: “MM.DD.YYYY.chief complaint.your last name”. Find prior years below)

Intern Report

Fri, 13:15 - 14:00

PGY1s on OHSU or VA wards and consults

These sessions will be a mix of attending-led Expert Teaching Sessions, fellow-led talks about their specific specialties, and intern-led traditional cases.

Noon Conf

Tue - Thu, 12:00 - 13:00

Housestaff on Wards, Consults, Electives

Noon Conferences are faculty-led lectures that cover topics important for care of your patients and preparation for internal medicine boards. They comprise a structured curriculum informed by ACGME requirements which cycles every 2 years.

+1 week

Mandatory attendance for all clinics (Primary, Secondary, Subspecialty) & lectures:

(please refer to your individualized schedule via email for additional details)

Tuesday AM

  • Grand Rounds: 8:00-9:00am (virtual or AUD 210)

  • Primary Care Ambulatory Topics (PCAT): 9:10-10:20am

  • Practice Base Learning & Improvement (PBL&I): 10:30am-12:00pm (OHSU/OTC & VA)

Wednesday AM (Interns only)

Friday PM

  • Ambulatory Report: 1:45pm-2:30pm

  • Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM): 2:45-3:50pm then 2:30-3:00pm (starting 2/2023)

  • Primary Care Ambulatory Topic (PCAT): 4:00-5:00pm then 3:15-5:00pm (starting 2/2023)

Mock Code


14:00-14:30 LC-1

14:30-15:00 LC-2


14:00-14:30 LC-1 + IS

14:30-15:00 LC-2

VA Wards, ICU, Consults, Electives

These sessions are facilitated by the OHSU and VA Quality Improvement Chiefs and are an opportunity for you to practice running a code in a simulation environment. Specific wards teams are scheduled to attend, and any housestaff on ICU, consults, or electives are encouraged to join as their schedules permit. Most simulated cases are complete in 10 minutes and a lot can be learned by observing peers and giving and receiving feedback.

EKG Rounds

Wed, 14:30

VA Wards, Consults, Electives

These virtual sessions are hosted by the current echo cardiology fellow on the call schedule. VA wards teams are expected to come prepared with EKGs from recent patients for review (via screen sharing), similar to Radiology Rounds. Bread & butter EKGs are welcome. A trainee reads the EKG and the fellow provides feedback and impromptu learning points relevant for internists.

Rads Rounds

Mon, Wed, Fri, 9:00 - 9:30

OHSU Wards

These sessions are hosted by an OHSU Radiology attending. Wards teams submit cases in advance with an emphasis on chest radiology. The intern or resident caring for the patient delivers a 1-liner and gives their read of the image, and the attending provides feedback and learning points relevant for internists.


ICU Wellness Rounds

  • Most Fridays 13:15 - 14:15

  • This a chance to reflect a debrief with your ICU resident team in a session facilitated by a chief resident. Lunch served. See imrespdx home page for the most current schedule.

OHSU Morbidity and Mortality (M&M)

  • 2nd Wed monthly 13:00 - 14:00

Research Conference

  • 1st Thurs monthly 16:00 - 17:00


Reference further details about our curriculum structure under Curriculum and Rotations on the official program website.

Noon Report and Noon Conference Archive (OHSU OneDrive):

Banner Image Credit: Fog over the South Waterfront, January 7, 2015. (OHSU LIBRARY/Gail Marracci)