
Centor Criteria - modified

ANC Calculator

Duke Criteria

CURB-65 score for PNA


LRINEC for Nec Fasc

qSOFA for Sepsis - NEW!! 2016


CDC  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):


Travel Medicine

IDSA Practice Guidelines

Johns Hopkins ABX guide - Antibiotic guide as well as general ID resource

Hepatitis C Online UW - Online courses about Hepatitis C

UCSF Warmline - A clinician consultation center for managing healthcare worker exposures to HIV, HBV, HCV

UCSF Curry Center - A consultation service for clinicians looking for expertise in managing TB.   

Dr. Fungus - A fun and educational website on our beloved fungi!

HIV Specific Sites

Mandell's Principles and Practices of Infectious Diseases 7th Ed. - Clearly the foremost text on Infectious Diseases.

For access click the link and enter your OHSU library codes.
This will take you to MDConsult. Choose the "Books" tab.
Then choose "Infectious Disease" and you will soon see Mandell's listed.